Flourish As You Age
Let's not just fade away; let's FLOURISH as we age!
The MINDRAMP Podcasts focus on three key components that have been shown to contribute to flourishing in the later years of your life. You will find mini-series of episodes that explore each component.
1) Keeping your brain and body healthy - see The Roots of Brain Health
2) Managing your mental states - see Flourishing
3) Planning the kind of death you want to have - (coming 10/1/24))
You will also find the occasional episodes that focus social concerns that I feel have an impact on our well-being, for example "Elections."
Flourish As You Age
MIND - Introduction To Mental Management
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How can we flourish in old age?
This new series of podcasts from MINDRAMP strives to answer that question. My starting premise is that our mind determines how we cope with the challenges and opportunities we face as we age.
Certain ways of thinking cause us to struggle and suffer. Others mindsets make it easier to flourish. The obvious conclusion is that we should get rid of unhelpful mental states and make greater use of healthy states of mind. But, just how do we make these positive mental adjustments?
I'll look for answers in the teachings of ancient wisdom systems, such as Buddhism, shamanism and mysticism. And, I'll explore new insights made possible by radical advancements in fields of study like positive psychology, neuroscience, philosophy, pharmacology, and technology. I'm particularly interested in exploring what these systems of knowledge have to say about unusual states of mind such as flow, mindfulness, equanimity, awe, ecstasis and transcendence.
I'll share the questions that bug me, and the different lines of research I pursue in search of satisfying answers. And, from time to time, I'll report on my efforts to manage my own mind. What am I doing to escape negative mindsets? How am I working to cultivate healthy states of mind? How is it going.
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